Art and design

Art Worksheets - Shading
Worksheets to introduce different shading techniques, then using these techniques to shade 3D objects. Also includes colour wheels and a perspective/symmetry portrait worksheet.
Techniques include:
Cross Hatching
Short Dashes
Can be used with colour or with just a pencil.

Galileo Galilei - Science, Art, English
Activities and lessons based around the story of Galileo Galilei and others around his time.
This pack includes:
A PowerPoint and pdf of the story Galileo Galilei,
English comprehension questions on the story,
A timeline of Galileo’s life and other moments in history that were happening at the same time,
An art PowerPoint with lessons and activities on the renaissance and Leonardo Di Vinci and Michelangelo,
A science PowerPoint outlining 3 of Galileo’s experiments and how to recreate them,
A maths lesson on Di Vinci’s Vertruvian Man.

How to make a Bird Feeder
Simple PowerPoint and printable pdf for how to make a bird feeder from a milk carton. Suitable for instruction and procedure writing.